Let’s Talk about CHART…Financial Model!
In September, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Innovation Center (CMMI) released the notice of funding opportunity for the Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Community Transformation Track.
CMMI states that the “CHART Model will test whether aligned financial incentives, increased operational flexibility, and robust technical support promote rural health care providers’ capacity to implement effective health care delivery system redesign on a broad scale.”
This fourth session in the Rural Health Value team’s Let’s talk about CHART! series will help you plan and prepare for a CHART Community Transformation Track application.
The session’s focus will be on the financial model for hospitals that participate in CHART:
- Summary of the key components of the participant hospital financial model in the CHART Community Transformation Track
- Identify key considerations for Lead Organizations and potential participating hospitals while evaluating the financial model’s potential impact.
Join the discussion with the Rural Health Value team and guest experts Jane Jerzak, CPA, RN, Partner, Wipfli LLP; and Eric K. Shell, CPA, MBA, Director, Stroudwater Associates
The target audience includes rural hospitals, state offices of rural health, state-based payers, health systems, rural health networks, and others interested in pursuing participation in the Model.
- Visit the registration page.
- Enter the information as prompted.
- You will receive a confirmation email.
Note: This confirmation email may go to your spam or junk folder.
The session will not be recorded, but the Rural Health Value team will share resources based on inquiries and the discussion.
Contact Karla Weng, kweng@stratishealth.org.
Rural Health Value is a national initiative funded by a cooperative agreement from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) with the RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis (RUPRI Center) and Stratis Health. The Rural Health Value team analyzes rural implications of changes in the organization, finance, and delivery of health care services and assists rural communities and providers transition to a high-performance rural health system.