The Board of Directors of the National Quality Forum (NQF) has selected Stratis Health to serve as a voting member on the Hospital Workgroup of the 2020‐2021 Measure Applications Partnership (MAP), a public-private partnership convened by the National Quality Forum to provide input to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on the selection of performance measures.

MAP’s work fosters a more uniform set of measures in federal programs and across the public and private sectors. This uniformity helps providers better identify key areas in which to improve quality; reduces wasteful data collection for hospitals, physicians, and nurses; and helps to inform patients and payers about the use of and need for quality measures.

Stratis Health is proud to use its expertise to provide varied and thoughtful input on selecting the most appropriate public reporting, performance-based payment, and other measures for 100 million Americans covered by HHS federal health programs.