Newly updated Diversity in Minnesota Information Sheets help health care providers and others learn more about the background, religious and cultural beliefs, communication preferences, and common health issues of the underserved and predominant minority populations in Minnesota.

The 19 Diversity in Minnesota Information Sheets now contain the latest available, population-specific data on health and social determinant disparities. Understanding health disparities and economic and social conditions that influence health is an important component of providing equitable care.

The ability to recognize and understand the role culture plays in health allows health care providers to adapt care strategies to meet patient needs.

Minnesota continues to become more diverse, as non-white populations grow faster than the white population. Thirty-six percent of the minority population in Minnesota is foreign born.

Minnesota primary care practices serving diverse populations use the Diversity in Minnesota Information Sheets as part of clinician onboarding programs to improve cultural competence and staff and patient interactions. Medical training programs use the resources to introduce future health care workers to cultural competence and cultural humility.

The resources are available on Culture Care Connection, operated by Stratis Health with funding from UCare. Stratis Health updated the information sheets with input from members of the specific populations and from organizations with strong community outreach, including UCare, Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, and Fairview Health Services. Their knowledge and perspective help ensure that the content is accurate, equitable, and actionable.

We invite you to explore the Diversity in Minnesota Information Sheets and additional resources available on Culture Care Connection.

African American | American Indian | Asian Indian | Bhutanese | Cambodian | Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Ethiopian | European American| Hispanic/Latino | Hmong | Iraqi | Karen | LGBTQ | Liberian | Poverty | Rural Health | Russian | Somali | Vietnamese

Culture Care Connection is supported by a generous grant from UCare.