Emergency Department Transfer Communication Measure


This resource aids in assuring safe and efficient care transitions from rural emergency departments.

For transitions of care during emergency department (ED) transfers, a measure was developed at a National Quality Form to address transfer issues for critical access hospitals (CAHs). The measure is included in the Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project (MBQIP). MBQIP is a program of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funded Office of Rural Health Policy’s (ORHP) Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (Flex).

Culture Care Connection


This website helps to increase awareness and improve cultural competence for diverse populations.

Culture Care Connection is an online learning and resource center, developed by Stratis Health, aimed at supporting health care providers, staff, and administrators in their ongoing efforts to provide culturally competent care in Minnesota.

Minnesota MBQIP Reporting and Improvement Assistance


In Minnesota and nationally, CAHs are required to report MBQIP measures to participate in Flex Program activities. Stratis Health supports the Flex Program with this resource to assist Minnesota CAHs with the MBQIP measures.

Rural Health Value


This website helps providers participate in the transition from volume to value in their service delivery.

Stratis Health partners with the Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis at the University of Iowa to facilitate the Rural Health Value initiative. We develop, test, and disseminate tools and resources, and provide technical assistance to rural health care providers across the country to help them participate in demonstration projects to improve care coordination, enhance patient outcomes, and lower health care costs. Funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP).

Minnesota Shared Decision-Making Collaborative


This website advances the use of shared decision making between patients and their care team.

The Minnesota Shared Decision-Making Collaborative is a multi-stakeholder community learning collaborative working to remove barriers to adoption and promote the routine use of shared decision-making in clinical practice throughout Minnesota, convened and facilitated by Stratis Health.

Quality Update newsletter


This biannual newsletter educates stakeholders about healthcare quality topics and issues for health care leaders.

Stratis Health publishes an electronic Quality Update Newsletter to inform constituents on healthcare quality topics and issues for Minnesota’s health care leaders. In this publication we aim to provide Minnesota “thought leaders” with news, issues, and perspectives on health care quality and patient safety.

Superior Health Quality Alliance


This resource serves to improve the quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries.

Stratis Health, in collaboration with other quality improvement organizations, has formed the Superior Health Quality Alliance which aims to improve the quality of health and health care for consumers, patients, clinicians, health care organizations and communities. Superior Health is powered by eight organizations with proven success driving achievement of Medicare quality improvement program goals.